
Pamela Olson
Oct 19, 2022
The Importance of Self-Care
Making it a priority to take care of your own needs, physical, emotional and spiritual has become more a popular concept in recent years.

Pamela Olson
Jul 14, 2021
How Long Will Waxing Last?
One of the benefits of waxing is the resulting finer hair growth which means you will have to wax less frequently.

Pamela Olson
Jun 30, 2021
Benefits of Waxing
Waxing has many benefits and over time, you will even have less hair growth and the time between applications will lengthen.

Pamela Olson
Feb 6, 2021
Why We Need Client Information Forms for Skincare and Beauty Services
It is important that we have a completed form from you so that we can make sure your treatments are effective, safe and suitable for you.

Pamela Olson
Nov 26, 2020
Skin Care for Swimming Season
As temperatures start to rise, you will need to take some skincare precautions first if you intend to swim this summer season.

Pamela Olson
Nov 12, 2020
Caring for Your Skin – All Over!
Great body care products will make you look and feel great and be proud to display your arms and legs when the sun comes out!

Pamela Olson
Oct 29, 2020
Love Your Lips - Tips for Healthy Beautiful Lips
Our lips are sometimes neglected but soft, smooth lips are a real beauty enhancer and healthy-looking lips can also be a sign of good health

Pamela Olson
Oct 15, 2020
UVA and UVB Sun Protection – What’s the Difference?
The sun is starting to get hotter. You want to take care of your skin, so you will want to protect it from avoidable damage.